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Animal Rights Protests In Spain

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Posted by Vkay!!

Sanfermines Vaquillas in Pamplona, Spain.Image via Wikipedia

I thought, now being a health blog..you can't find anything apart from health here but I thought,err..why not post one or two posts off topic err for a good cause.....So Here it is...

Animal Rights Protests In Spain

Recently a protest was organized by AnimaNaturalis, an animal rights group from Spain, in which a semi-nude woman was painted like a wild cat of some sort and remained in a cage in a public area with a sign protesting keeping circus animals in cages.

Here are some more pictures from similar nude animal rights protests in Spain

But the question is are nude animal rights protests effective?

This recent protest reminded us just how many Spanish animal rights protests involve nudity.

This protester, from AnimaNaturalis, demonstates against circuses with animals in Spain.

Also in Spain, this was protesting keeping animals in cages at zoos.

There have even been (nude) protests of a famous Spanish pastime and holiday -- bullfighting and the Running of the Bulls.

And then there are more sober (nude) demonstrations for animal rights in Spain.

On Animal Rights Day, these Spanish protesters wore clothes.

they also held dead animals, which they say were found near farms.

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