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Tips for Fair Skin: How to improve complexion?
Monday, July 11, 2011
1. Rub your face with milk, after it dries, rub face with salt. The dirt will come out. Now put the mixture of lemon and honey on the face and after it dries down, wash with lukewarm water.
2. Make a paste of Jau ka ata, lemon, curd, rose water and apply once a week as face pack. Especially good for oily skin.
3. Mix lemon and tomato juice in equal quantity and apply on face. After 30 minutes wash the face.
4. One of the best methods for fair skin and lightening the complexion is to add half teaspoon of lemon juice in two big spoons of cucumber juice with a little turmeric. Apply it on the face. Wash the face after 30 minutes. The complexion will be fair. Do it at least once a week.
5. For dark circles under the eye, cut potato in two parts and place under the eye, lie down on the bed for 15 minutes. You can also rub the potato under the eyes lightly.
6. Avoid harsh sun rays. While going out use sunscreen.
In Indian sub-continent fairness is a dream for everybody. For girls it is a big problem. Though more than colour and complexion, it is the texture and the smoothness of skin that should matter but unfortunately the fairness is cherished. Above mentioned tips can possibly help you in improving your complexion.
Reasons for unintentional weight loss!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011includes some serious diseases like cancer, AIDS and lots more.
When excessive amount of glucose and insufficient amount of insulin in
the bloodstream are due to the poor management of type 1 diabetes
which is other wise known as insulin-dependent diabities mellitus
(IDDM). When this takes place this result in loss of noth fat and lean
mass in the total body weight. And when the type 1 diabetes is not
treated then this also can lead in weight loss.
Lack of fluid intake or other factors are reason for weight loss as it
reduced the fat and lean mass by such illness. Fluid loss even can
risk in cachexia. Diesease like HIV may alter metaboism which leads in
weight loss and even overactive thyroid may result in weight loss
Causes of unintentional weight loss:
1.The first cause for unintentional weight loss is due to starvation
which is a state of extreme humger which results from lack of
nutrients over a long period.
2.A very common and sometimes a cause of unexplained weight loss is
due to cancer. Cancer patients suspects unexplained weight loss which
includes gastrointestinal, prostate, hepatobillary ans lung
malignancies which should be taken in consideration in any patient is
with unaxplained weight loss.
3.The next cause is AIDS which should be suspected and which
involves high risk which leads to weight loss.
4.Some infectious diseases can cause weight loss which includes
fungal illness, endocarditis, AIDS and some other subacute which
result in weight loss.
5.The very common cause of unexplained weight loss is due to
gastrointestinal disorder. And there are most common non-cancerous
cause for weight loss.