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Green Tea and Pregnancy - Warnings to Mother and Baby!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Green tea and pregnancy is a tricky subject. We now know that green tea is something of a miracle beverage. Hundreds of studies show the many benefits of drinking green tea on a daily basis. But during pregnancy, the rules of health and nutrition can change dramatically.
Caffeine and Pregnancy
In the past, it was thought that the caffeine found in tea and coffee might contribute to low birth weight, and thus should be avoided. Studies have shown, however, that it would take about 8 cups of coffee per day to affect birth weight or lead to miscarriage. Since green tea has about half the amount of caffeine contained than coffee, this drink is unlikely to affect pregnancy. This aspect of green tea and pregnancy is one you don't have to worry about.
Folate and EGCG
It turns out, however, that pregnant women probably should limit their intake of green tea. This beverage is full of antioxidants, which are generally very good for us. One of them, however, may cause problems during pregnancy.
Folic acid is one of the supplements pregnant women are encouraged to take. A lack of folate has been associated with neural birth tube defects in babies.
Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, is present in high levels in green tea. The molecules that make up this antioxidant compound are similar in structure to methotrexate, another compound found naturally in our bodies.
Methotrexate helps us by bonding with an enzyme called dihydrofo
late reductase. Once bonded, these two together can kill cancer cells. If, however, EGCG bonds with dihydrofolate reductase, it deactivates the enzyme. This in turn affects the way our body uses folate.
In short, EGCG could reduce folic acid and increase the risk of birth defects such as spina bifida. New green tea and pregnancy studies should help us understand how great these risks are.
How Much Is Too Much?
Although drinking some green tea is probably fine during pregnancy, it is not yet clear just what that amount might be. Most health professionals think that drinking a moderate amount of tea is fine. As with anything that has yet to be studied thoroughly, abstinence is the only way to absolutely ensure avoiding the problem. However, you may want to balance that with the many health benefits of drinking even a little bit of green tea!
Metalosis Maligna..What a dangerous Disease!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008For decades, metal has played an important role in the medical field. Whether it be used for artifical hips, steel rods, braces, or surgical screws, doctors and surgeons have used implanted metal, to help mend and repair our broken bodies.
A few years ago, something very strange and bizzare occurred. The very metal implanted in our bodies can actually start to grow out of control. As the bone, muscle and tissue start to recede, it is replaced by this growing metal. The result is a grotesquely disfigured, part human, part mechanical form. This medical condition is referred to as Metalosis Maligna.
Humans are not the only victims of Metalosis Maligna. This disease can attack animals who have had metal surgical implants as well. Doctors and scientist world wide are racing to find a cure, before it reaches epidemic stages.
Wrongful Death Lawsuits and Mesothelioma Cancer
Friday, November 7, 2008
Mesothelioma litigation is usually brought forth after a victim's exposure to asbestos years earlier, but these lawsuits are often coupled with mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuits. A mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit occur when a plantiff or claimant, such as a victim or family member of a mesothelioma cancer victim, brings forth legal action in a civil court.
Why File A Mesothelioma Wrongful Death Lawsuit?
The death of a loved one as a result of any disease is always terrible for the family of the victim, however that pain can be made even more difficult to bear when the disease and death come as a result of the negligence or action of a third party. Luckily, family and friends of a victim can find comfort with an experienced and knowledgeable wrongful death lawyer who can offer assitance as well as ease suffering. Victims of mesothelioma cancer, which is incurable, have often been exposed to asbestos fibers that are breathed in and attach to the lung. This exposure usually occurs at a place of employment.
Because of the fact that mesothelioma is so serious a form of lung cancer, the ultimately outcome of the disease if often the death of the patient. Families of mesothelioma victims therefore should consider speaking with a qualified mesothelioma lawyer about the possibility of filing a mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit, even in the case that the mesothelioma victim has not yet succumbed to this serious lung disease.What Are Expectations and Potential Outcomes Concerning Those Filing A Mesothelioma Wrongful Death Lawsuit?
Beginning in the twentieth century, there is a long history of mesothelioma litigation, with a lengthy precedence of the negligence and responsibility for those companies that manufactured asbestos or placed their employees in direct contact with it. Therefore, the family of any individual who has died as a result of mesothelioma cause by exposure to asbestos can expect some compensation in a mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit. To fully comprehend the details of a mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit, it is advisable to seek council in a lawyer with experience in these types of lawsuits. A mesothelioma wrongful death lawyer can answer questions and deliver details of expected compensation to those suffering.